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The Corner

by habituallychic

12 . 14 . 08

I attended a little gathering at La Esquina Friday night and I was once again reminded as to why it is one of my favorite restaurants if not my all time favorite. Mexican food usually isn’t known as a healthy culinary choice but the food at La Esquina is always fresh and light and delicious. And the prices aren’t bad either. The restaurant’s original claim to fame was that you had to traipse through the kitchen to get to the dining room but luckily the food has kept the place from turning into a flash in the pan like many New York hot spots. Unfortunately, reservations are hard to come by and are worth scheduling a month in advance but if you can’t wait that long, you can eat at the Taqueria or the recently opened Cafe upstairs.

The reason for the gathering was an industry insider’s decision to open her own studio, more on that after the formal announcement, but I also met a few other people who had taken that scary leap of faith to start their own companies. If there is a silver lining to this grey economic cloud, I think it will be that more people decide to open their own companies or go out on their own as a designer. I encourage those of you who are thinking about working for yourself to lay the groundwork now while you are still working elsewhere. It makes things a heck of a lot easier and if you do find yourself in the unfortunate position of getting laid off, you will be one step ahead!

114 Kenmare Street
New York, NY 10012

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  1. sk December 14, 2008 | 5:04 am

    Thanks for the restaurant suggestion!

    And I agree with you… start laying your foundation down early, not when you’re caught in the endless wheel of 9-5!

  2. Zelda December 14, 2008 | 7:10 am

    I ador thos places ! thank you chicgirl

  3. Renee Finberg December 14, 2008 | 12:28 pm


    that is exactly it !

    you can do it on your own, and make more money doing it. You can work out of your apt.

    here is the deal…..it only takes ONE GREAT CLIENT.

    you will work less and make more, and best best part of all is CREATIVE FREEDOM !

    PS mexican is my fave,and one glance at my butt would tell you that !

    big hug

  4. style and grace December 14, 2008 | 8:06 pm

    I love this place. Used to go with clients all the time during market. I had heard a rumor that it closed so I’m glad to see it is still alive and well!!

  5. Juxtaposition Design December 15, 2008 | 3:20 am

    This place looks like the perfect little find that might accidentally be skipped over at first. I’m actually heading to NY in a few days for a quick trip, maybe I will stop by here if its close to where I am going to be!

  6. Robert Robillard January 7, 2009 | 1:08 am

    Very cool lighting and bar bottle lighting.

    Great blog!