A Fashionable Venue
by habituallychic
10 . 12 . 12One of the shows I regret not attending during fashion week in New York was Barbara Tfank. My friend Blue Carreon saw it and raved not only about the clothing but also the venue. It was shown in an Upper East Side apartment of interior designer Michael Smith and was a perfect pairing. You can read all the details of the design here.
Bon weekend!
Photos by Björn Wallander for Architectural Digest and Bryce Pincham for Barbara Tfank
The beautiful clothes in pastel colours matches perfectly with the elegant interiors.
I have never seen such beautiful decor.
The long gowns are stunning!
The pieces in Michael’s home are incredible in their richness and unique details!
I adore this feminine dress line, and the below the knee lengths on many. It elongates and slims a woman, which I love!
Art by Karena
Gorgeous decor and beautiful outfits, a few are definitely Betty Draper-inspired!
I wonder if Michael Smith looked at the grey NYC skyline and said, ah ha, the apartment should be 50 shades of grey. He certainly brought the outdoors in and I love it!
Love this post – so beautiful! – thanks you! Have a great time at the signing! Am tens of thousands of miles away – otherwise would be there!
This collection looks beautiful! I love the color palette:)
This is so my cup of tea but honestly the kitchen and the bathrooms are the most amazing part!
Michael Smith is at the top of his trade. Those dresses are pure 60’s and gorgeous. Thanks. Mary